Quality. Value. Whoever you are.

Here at Visteco, we believe that quality and value should come as standard: no matter how big or small you are. That’s why our London IT support services are delivered on a completely bespoke basis. We give you the support you need, when you need it, at a price that fits with your size and your budget. Unlike some IT services, which force you to sign up for things you don’t need, we’ll only ever charge you for the support and servicing you actually used, when you used it.

IT support that grows with your business

Our IT support London services are scaled to grow with your business – giving you the flexibility to manage your IT and communications without overreaching on budget. From small business responsiveness to enterprise class robustness, our services give you what you need: reliability, great backup and the space to work. Most of our London IT support can be done remotely, too, so you don’t end up paying for callouts.

We can be what you want us to be

A full IT department? A backup service, performing those annoyingly time-consuming tasks your own IT department spends so much of the day on? A full service monitoring and maintenance partner? Visteco IT services are as flexible and as unique as your business. We can take up the slack for busy IT departments, provide expert backup for smaller companies or run your entire operation from hardware purchasing to future planning and regular maintenance. Just tell us what you need and we’ll do the rest. Or talk to us about an IT audit, for no obligations recommendations for the service level that suits you best.

We’re more than just an IT support company

Uniquely for a London IT support service, we also operate a full-time brand promotions department. Our IT support London team is augmented by designers, analysts, developers and content creators, bringing you a full search engine optimisation (SEO) and social media marketing package. Again, you can choose as much or as little as you like, or ask us for a no obligations consultation on your current online marketing approach.

We respect your budget

From on-target search engine marketing (SEM) to Cloud storage and server monitoring, we always provide the service that fits best with your budget. That doesn’t mean that we cut corners – far from it. We use our years in the IT support business to source the hardware and software that does what you need it to for the money you have available to spend. You’ll never find any nasty surprises in our invoices. Sign up for planned maintenance contracts to receive discounts on the annual costs of your London IT support services.

We’re part of your business

You can’t provide the kind of hands-on service we do without getting to know your clients. You’ll find us friendly, approachable and always on hand to answer your questions or deal with your problems. Your dedicated IT support manager is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – and your IT support team works just like another part of your business. Think of us as your colleagues: we do.

Why outsourced business computer support makes sense

Business computer support can be a costly enterprise. Firms that employ in-house IT departments often find that they are wasting large sums of money paying annual salaries to people that don’t do a years’ work – it is, after all, an unlucky business that requires computer support on a daily basis. With the credit crunch still very much biting, there’s a rise in outsourced business computer support: IT work contracted to outside companies, who come in as required and charge only for work done.
Almost all businesses are completely reliant on the computer. Networks hold all of their information; servers store years’ worth of vital business files and documents. Intranets allow information to be passed freely and quickly among employees and paperless document storage allows instant traceability, accountability and archiving. Until it goes wrong, as computers do – in which case, without the help of outsourced business computer support, a company is suddenly in deep trouble.
The thing about computers is – they are very fragile. Their programs and processes wind down such convoluted avenues that even the newest and most powerful (actually, the most powerful are often the most vulnerable) inevitably contract some kind of trouble. In a business environment, particularly a small business environment, that kind of trouble can quickly become disaster.
It’s not economically viable for a small business to retain an IT staff. Nor is it wise for them to operate without the safety net of some kind of computer department. The outsourced business computer support team offers the perfect solution: expert advice or hands-on assistance where it is needed, without maintenance costs and expensive salaries.
An out of house business computer support team works in exactly the same way as an IT department – with one major difference. IT departments, like all company employees, are prone to being grumpy and lazy. Outsourced business computer support teams, freed from the dual burdens of routine and office politics, are energetic, cheerful and coherent. Find a business computer support team outside of your own company – a business computer support team, in other words, whose livelihood is based on actually getting stuff done – and you’ll be amazed at how well they explain to you what is being done, and why. The traditional obscurity of the inhouse IT department, who often seem to regard themselves as wizards or orcs, privy to secrets that mere mortal will never understand, is being driven extinct by the energy and friendliness of the outsourced business computer support company.
Computer Repair Ltd, a London-based provider of business computer support, is quickly developing a reputation as one of the leading lights of this new guard of IT wizardry. Computer Repair Ltd run a full contract business computer support package, offering their expertise on everything from purchasing and installing new PCs to indentifying and correcting serious problems – including the fallout from those problems, which for a small business can be the most serious part of the matter. Computer Repair Ltd offer extensive, well-priced data recovery, system recovery and backup facilities – all, like everything sold by offsite business computer support companies, chargeable only when required.
In a day, and indeed an age, of dwindling disposable income, businesses of all sizes would do well to follow the outsourced business computer support model. Why spend money on something you aren’t using, when you can spend far less on something you only use when you need?